Keep your poetry submissions coming in the comments. Submissions have been slowing down, so don't forget to post your entries in the haiku, American homage, or open/free verse categories. And post your entries up on your blogs. They've been really, really good.
But now, the moment you've all been waiting for. It's time for the final category: the Limerick.
According to Wikipedia (so it must be true), A limerick has five lines, with three metrical feet in the first, second, and fifth lines and two metrical feet in the third and fourth lines. A variety of types of metrical foot can be used, but the most typical are the amphibrach (a stressed syllable between two unstressed syllables) and the anapaest (two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable). The rhyme scheme is usually AABBA.
If that made no sense (Bigun), then perhaps this gets it:
- The limerick packs laughs anatomical
- In space that is quite economical,
- But the good ones I've seen
- So seldom are clean,
- And the clean ones so seldom are comical.
Frustrated Neat Freak
I keep all my gear in three buckets--
in swim, bike or run I do tuck it;
but, after awhile
it still gathers in piles
A finally, I just say . . .
well, you know the rest.
in swim, bike or run I do tuck it;
but, after awhile
it still gathers in piles
A finally, I just say . . .
well, you know the rest.
Bigun’s Limericks
There once was a man named Bolder!
Who preferred women a little bit older
He loved BMC
Who’s bikes he had three
But his swim suffered from a bad shoulder
Eye, yei yei yei,
Tri-Dummy wears his bike helmet backwards!
Oh sing me another verse, that’s worse than the other verse
And toss me around by my willy!
There once was rich man from New Orleans
Who showed up to a race in cut off jeans?
He said, “beg your pardon”
My bike’s made of Carbon
But his legs were like two little string beans
Eye, yei, yei yei,
Roman sued himself twice for plagiarism!
Oh sing me another verse, that’s worse than the other verse
And toss me around by my willy!
There once was man called Tac Boy
Who loved products made from Sugoi
Pad up or Pad down?
His whole family did frown
When the smell rivaled that of a dead koi!
Eye, yei yei yei,
Excel Man got chicked again by Tracey Parker!
Oh sing me another verse, that’s worse than the other verse
And toss me around by my willy
There once was a man named Greyhound!
Who used to have a belly that was so round
But he worked and he strained
Now he’s so over trained
That he can’t lift his feet off the ground!
Eye, yei, yei yei,
Nytro drinks Mojitos at breakfast!
Oh sing me another verse, that’s worse than the other verse
And toss me around by my willy
Note: This is usually sung, which may make it funnier.
There was a buck stud down in Dallas,
Who lived in a veritable Palace,
Swim, bike, and run,
Was how he had fun,
Then drank whiskey out of a chalice
I'm always up for advice! Thanks.
Sir, I hold you COMPLETELY responsible for Bigun's post and my snorting tea out my nose.
These are priceless...I don't know if I can compete!
Dang. Haiku was so much easier because you only have to count syllables... limericks are supposed to rhyme. Somebody tell Bigun that!
OK here's mine---
Floridian Bigun's a riot.
Though he podcasts: you never should buy it.
He talks to machines! (Between landscaping scenes)
His dry humor? You easily spy it.
Alright. I'll join the silliness. I'll post it to my blog here real soon...
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