OK, so you know I run a classy joint. This blog is primarily literary. Consistent with my literati tendencies, a haiku came to me this morning as I was cooling down, riding my bike around Memorial Park here in H-Town and admiring the scenery. Then I had the idea that there were probably a lot of closet poets out there. So, I am initiating the First Annual Trigreyhound Triblogger Poetry Extravaganza. It's sort of the opposite of baptism, really. Rather than setting aside the ordinary for a sacred purpose, we'll be setting aside a vaunted medium of poetry for a comparatively trivial purpose--writing funny or personal things about triathlon, training, or our home towns and families.
Here is how it works. There will be massively worthless greyhound schwag for the best triathlon/home town related poem in each of five categories: haiku, limerick, sonnet, homage to Emily Dickinson or Robert Frost, and free verse. Each category will start with an example by me, and you can enter your own verse in the comments. (Also, if you put it out there on your own blog and link back to here, we might generate some momentum and get some really entertaining entries). I'll leave the contest open long enough to get a number of entrants in each category.
OK, today is
haiku. And to give you the idea that we're not talking about earth shattering depth, here is my entrant, a haiku, which came to me this morning, entitled:
Memorial Park

Tanned skin, bare midriffs,
spaghetti straps, booty shorts--
Spring time in Houston
Ahhhhhhhh. Does that not just warm the heart? Such as this is what separates us from the mere beasts.
Give me your best tri-related haiku in the comments, and put it out there on your blog as well.
Mine is entitled Om in Vancouver
Yoga mats and sweats
Finding balance is not cheap
Lululemon souls
OK not so much tri inspired as just general Vancouver inspired. And yes I do realize that there is some irony in this as I am wearing my Lululemon hoodie as I write this. And MAN! can those pants do wonders for your butt! I have be come one of them.
Greyhound, your little poem has brought tears to mine eyes... *sniff*
I call this Wetsuit
Lovely neoprene
So black, so sleek. But on me -
I am a sausage.
Another one:
Aid Station
Far away beacon
Every step brings me closer
Gatorade and Gu
I like to call this one, "not enough port-o-potties"
Relief, warmth
keeps the sharks away
peeing in my wetsuit
Can't swim, pool is closed
stupid civil engineers
kids could do your job!
seventeen hours
this ironman training stuff
is getting old fast
I wake up at five
without alarm clock buzzers
Who the hell am I?
That's all I got for now...(I may need another glass of wine to get more creative...)
The Pants and I tried this a few weeks ago while we suffered through hard week ... here are our results ...
My view ahead is
a toned male bumm in spandex.
This is why I draft.
Two days away from a rest week, in the middle of a big build block.
Ode to Recovery Spin
Spin, spin, spin: I ride,
Leaving behind heavy legs
and finding my kick!
Pretty blue swim cap
Forgot latex allergies
Read and itchy head...
Rise at five to run
Swimming by eight thirty-five
Social "dud" by nine.
A fine distraction
writing silly Haiku poems
I should be training
Bike stem in my wash?
Hammer gel on my cell phone
Crazy triathlete
Missed a key workout
Will it make a difference
When the gun goes off?
Two types of athletes
Those who wish & those who do
Are you one, or both?
My patience is thin
Directly proportional to
How much sleep I got
You train for 20?
You work sixty hours a week?
You don't sleep at all!
Remember to talk
say "thank you" and "I love you"
To those who support
There...you've got them all now.
There may be more deep in the brain folds of this
old mind...somewhere.
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