We interrupt this blog to call something very special to your attention. You see this little spit of a girl in the pink running skirt? Other than being "cute as a bug's ear," is there anything special about her?
She's not "a little spit of a girl" and she's no shrinking violet. She's an Ironman with an indomitable spirit, and she's 11 days from her second Ironman race. She's also a leader in my tri-club who gives much more than she receives. Her Ironman racing is selfless as well. This year, in smashing through PR after PR and forming herself into what she calls the "New Kathleen," she has been racing in honor of a list of people who suffer from or who have already died due to cancer. She is raising money through the Janus Charity Challenge, and she is creeping up on her goal. Kathleen is tops on my list of "good people." Read her story here.
I know you have been touched by cancer. Everyone has in some form or fashion. If so, then you should go here and give Kathleen your support, no matter how big or how small your gift, and give her some comment love.
Thanks for the shout out!!
Beautiful little spit she is!
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