Dateline: Houston, Texas. June 28, 2007. International Triathlete of Mystery, Trigreyhound, today announced his intention to participate in Ironman Coeur d'Alene in 2008. In a prepared statement, his representatives said that, having received the full backing of his Ironteam Family, who insist upon spending summer vacation in the Pacific Northwest or possibly Vancouver, B.C. after the race, he had no alternative but to put aside plans for possible Ironman retirement and satisfy his many adoring fans, as well as the tourism and visitors bureau of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho by agreeing to appear and participate. He is humbled to be counted among a throng of worthy bloggers and to receive the attention of the gathered bloggy peep cheering section.
(Spin Filter Translation: Having discussed things with the Iron Widow (and having extended several promises for the off-season and how to better balance Ironman training next year), and after promising to use the race to raise vast sums of money to fight multiple sclerosis, it is now safe to announce that I signed up for the race without losing the privilege of sleeping in my own bed.)
Believe me people, hitting the "submit" button is an act of faith. I don't know if my first Ironman will be a success, or how I will feel about doing another. But "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
Happy news! Congrats on the decision and the peacemaking.
Whoaaaaaaa...you are one brave guy!! I admire you!!!!! You will love IMCDA and Vancouver if you go I bet..:-)
You, sir, are a stud.
Stay tuned...
Phew, that's one less secret I have to keep - hopefully the other bloggess will come out of the Iron Closet soon and announce as you did. Well done - I still don't know how I'm going to pull it off - hotel, flights, someone to cover my yards - it's still logistically akin to the Invasion of Normandy - well, ok, the Invasion of Panama perhaps.
Whoohoo! I'm there as well! IMCDA is gonna b a party!
REALLY???!!! VANCOUVER???!!! We will be so happy to show you around our fantastic city if you need a guide. And great news about IMCdA! I'm excited for you!
Coeur d'Alene isn't going to know what hit them! Congratulations for stepping up on blind faith.
Might I suggest a stay in the San Juan Islands with a side trip to Vancouver? The San Juans are about the most restful, fun, beautiful place in the world and you can go whale watching and see lots of great art and it's just fabulous.
It will be great having you out there along with all the tri-bloggers.
See you in tater country
sweet! congrats for not losing your bed!!
you'll have good company there - please go and tell me how it is. I'll file it away under useful stuff.
Good move. I will see you there!
I agree with Boomer...very studly of you to sign up! Congrats. :-)
Great plan!
yeah!! i'm glad you got it smoothed out with pauline. now, to unveil the last secret contestant...
Awesome! Maybe you can draft off of Bigun on the bike. The guy is a 18-20mph moving wall! He blocks the suns rays so you won't need SPF.
Good luck. If want some advice for IM training here it is. "Call someone else".
Congrats on taking the plunge at Cda. You will not regret it.
OMG, you rock. First IM isn't even in the record books and you're up for more!!!! Holy cats.
I can't even commit to sign up for my first, and you've signed up for two! That takes guts. Good luck, I know you'll do great.
Way cool to hear! I can't wait for the train to leave.
Triathletes are the healthiest sickest people I know!! I'll need some long bike rides as I train for IM AZ!!
you don't choose the race.
the race choose you.
@copyright TM
bold has spoken
awesome G-dog..
Im thinking about but gotta move fast, only 200 slot left.
Hey where you gonna train for hills? email me back, would love to train with ya if I sign up.
I just hope y'all will stick around until I come in...17 hours after the start...
you've got a beautiful singing voice...so, there's always that to fall back on if your lawyer/triathlon careers fall through....
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