Today it finally happened. A swimmer chick commented on my tatoo.
All in all you could tell it was going to be a great day. It was cool and clear this morning, and I was on the roads doing my long run by the time the sun was coming up. I loped easily through 8 miles and went immediately to the Woodlands Athletic Center to get a swim.
I was doing form work, bilateral breathing and drills today after a hard swim yesterday, and I was slicing through the water in my black Speedo with the efficiency and ease of an ocean predator.
Two lanes over, she was doing all four strokes and flip turning in her pink one piece swimsuit and pink goggles. She had a butterfly tatooed on her shoulder.
As she finished her set she asked about my tatoo.
"Is it real or did they put it on with water? Is it permanent?"
She is six.
She got her butterfly tatoo at a birthday party yesterday.
Her older sister, maybe an eigth grader, was being coached four lanes over and would have kicked my trash all over the pool.
Her mom has the 0% body fat, technical clothing, Ironman look about her and could undoubtedly break me in half, even if she was recovering from an injury.
Oh, well. Pink gurl thought my tat was da' bomb.
She may be young, but she has a fine eye for art.
hahaa that was a good twist :) that 6 year old knows whats up. hottie.
by the way...i cant even run a 6:32 pace for 1 yard. Coach Tim wanted to know who was in worse shape today...him after killing the IM course, or me, with a hangover and a stranger in my bed... obviously i was in better shape, i got ass.
Hey, a girl is a girl.... Sounds like you are quite the charmer with your tatoo. Wear it proud!
Ok, Looser Liz has to get her M-dot tattoo! I have put it off long enought because of the whole pain issue and my husband commenting on "only drug addicts and hookers wear tattoos..."
Gotta do it to impress the boys on my son's swim team!!!
hee hee...At least the M-dot tatoo left an impression. She'll have one on her ankle someday!
Women commented like crazy on your blog, and now you get a comment IRL.
Mdot tat = gift that keeps giving!
That's awesome! Way to brush off getting hit on by a 6 year old...
Greyhound isth da ladieths man...nexth time you go to da pooolll, you should bring a nice little bottle of civasiea'....
well Greyhound - you're Tat was the topic of conversation more than once this weekend at IMFL. Many an IronMan wannabe and a few who are IronMen were chatting it up!! ;)
whatever strokes the ego...
well? is it permanent?
no photo, no proof.
Her mom could break you in half? Hmmm... no matter how you look at it, THAT's HAWT!
Stay tuned...
heh :) Although 18 days in the pool straight- color me impressed!
you are having some nice muscle definition going on there, hound!
I don't care who are.
That's funny.
Did 0% mama appreciate it as much?
Love it!!!
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