My base fitness is good, but I am not in race shape. I'm not hard and lean and hungry. So, it's accountability time. Time to get focus and honesty and intensity back into the workouts after some Summer doldrums. Time to get control of the fuel system. Drop the nonessentials and the alcohol and the stubborn soft spots. There will be time for leisure and waste and softness and idleness and slack in December. Now it is time to get all parts of life organized around getting myself across the line as quickly as I can--while keeping the home fires burning at the same time.
So, watch this space. You are my accountability partners in this venture, and although it will not make for thrilling reading necessarily, I intend to post honestly what I'm doing and failing to do, not because my training is impressive. There are many who do more and faster than I do. I will post it here because I want someone looking over my shoulder.
Character is what you do when nobody is watching. I don't want to risk any failure due to lack of character. I'd rather be watched so I don't have to find out what I'm necessarily made of. So, if you don't mind, watch and hold me to account.
This week? Coach Kris prescribed some recovery from the Colorado Trip on which much epic cycling, hiking and trail running occurred. Fewer hours this week but some pretty good intensity in the medium distance ride and run this weekend.
Total Training Time: 9 hours this week.
3 swims for a total of 7600 meters.
3 runs for a total of 17 miles.
3 bikes for a total of 64 miles.
In the next 15 weeks we have to get from half-iron fitness to full-iron sharpness. C'mon, Coach Kris. Pour it on and let's get busy.
Hehe, you said "loin".
drop alcohol? holy mackerel, you are taking this IM seriously ;)
looking good in the picture my dear!
I can't believe how close we are .. 103 days ! eeeps !
Hey There!
Wanted to give you a shout to say I will be joining in the fun at Cozumel! Where did you go on the internet to rent your condo? Hope you and the family are well. Shoot me an email/facebook if you can! Off to Timberman tri this weekend!
Talk soon! Terra Castro
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