Yep, that's the run course for Ironman St. George. How about a side of hills to go with your supersize bucket of hills.
But Supalids, a/k/a Mrs. Wilson, and I have made a pact. Not one more word of self-pity about the difficulty of the Ironman St. George course. We have the best group of online and real life friends, and we are going to motivate each other to kick this race's arse. I feel a little bit like Samuel L. Jackson when he says "the Line" and gets down to business: “I've had it with these mother [bleeping] [hills] in this mother [bleeping] race!”
If I have to be a freaking goat, I'll become a freaking goat. A skinny whelp like me ought not be afraid of elevation gain. When I started this nonsense I couldn't even swim for goodness' sake.
And this is Ironman, after all. If you want to avoid some toil, go do a fun run or a charity ride. It's time to HTFU. Dream big or go home. Live on the edge or you're taking up too much space.
No more self-pity allowed.
It's so on, no more complaining!! We are going to rock that course...those hills will be scarred of us!
HTFU is right!!!!! you will kick some arse!! can we talk about the awesome flatness of IMCoz though first?!
Just remember to find a way to practice running downhill too, or to strengthen those muscles. The St. George Marathon ate my lunch, and it was about 20 miles of downhill. The 5 mile uphill from mile 7-12 (which will be the end of the climb on the bike, coming out of Veyo) didn't help much either.
We ran parking garage after parking garage, but I'd want something bigger next time...just not sure what.
Hills are your friends....hills are your friends... (keep repeating).
there are few things that light my fuse faster than 'htfu'
thanks for that, you just tilted the balance a little bit more in favor of me signing up for this one.
how can you be afraid when you've climbed that...at an additional 10,000 ft over how many mountain passes??????
The bike course looked fun. The run course, not so much. Enjoy!
I was about to say "that looks just like the IMCDA course" Oh then I realized I was looking at the run, not the bike.
It was last year or maybe the year before and I saw a big group of people running the hills out at Chappel Hill. You need those downhill stretches. Trust me, after running down Mt. Hood in Oregon and feeling great and running 6 miles all downhill at a 7:42 min/mile pace, my legs were toasty later that day and it was not fun getting out of the van to run later that day in the relay.
Love the hills!
Haven't checked in with you in a while. Looks like you're a busy boy! Lots on the schedule. Go after it!
Guess this means we have to spend a month or two at altitude next Spring for some quality training!!
gulp. the extra 30 lbs I still had on at CdA would not be that friendly in IMUT! Not at all...
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