Coach Kris bellied up to the Ironman bar and ordered me a drink, saying, "make his a triple." The day started at LA FATNESS for a swim that left my ears ringing--work set consisting of 2x700m negative split each and descend. The fat, hairy, swim-trunk-festooned late-sleepers must have wondered why the skinny, hairless little man was weeping on the side of the pool. Then . . .
Shower, change clothes and repeat.
Mid day will be strength training with the Serbian Overlord, MIKI, whose kettlebell routine was rejected by the Obama Administration because it did not meet the guidelines for humane interrogation under the Army Field Manual. Then . . .
Shower, change clothes and repeat.
AND, in the evening, it will be time to bike a little. Not too much, just enough to get another set of clothes really sweaty so that I can . . .
Shower, change clothes and repeat.
Meanwhile, I am turning an Audi into a locker room, because there are no more telephone booths in which to change back and forth from Clark Kent to Superman, I'm getting frequent flyer miles on my washing machine, and I'm wondering where I can get back that hour of sleep I lost this weekend in switching from normality to Daylight Sleepiness Time.
Do you think Clark could nap in those telephone booths?
I feel your pain.
I really do.
Showering too much.
Laundry too much.
Stinky if I avoid the first two too much.
It never ends.
It's a beautiful thing.
i second that - i continue to wear dirty shirts bc i dont have time to do the laundry. i know, im disgusting.
The multiple showers a day thing is the part about training I like the least. Really - not the shortness of breath, the chest pains, the sore muscles, the frustration of not being able to go any faster, the sore delicate lady parts. No - it's the showering over and over and over again and the piles and piles of spandex. I don't mind washing it but folding it an putting it away... is becoming a thing of the past. It just goes from one basket to the other. Much simpler.
HA! Now your car looks like mine on the inside!
Dave Scott took naps...his wife told me.
unemployment does have its benefits. haha
ah yes, i feel the pain. i feel like all I do is train, eat and shower.
Three shower days!!! I had one of those recently, but my workouts weren't hardly as intense.
I don't know if Clark can sleep in the telephone booths or not, but you better find somewhere to catch up...or it will catch up with you eventually...spoken by the one who's been getting 3 - 5 hrs a night for way too long. Can Obama give us a couple more hours in the day??
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