One week from right now, I'll be experiencing some reality--finding out if my training was true, or just truthiness.
Seven days, and I'll be running the goal race that has guided my recreational hours since August.
I will look myself in the face at the starting line and inquire, "are you really willing? Are you able? Did you train with integrity, or did you just get by?"
Seven days and there will be no faking, no cramming, no room for equivocation.
The training was either enough, or it was not.
I either did it with sufficient faithfulness, or I didn't.
I will either push myself past my limits, or I will accept some perceived limit along the way.
I will either race wisely, or I will make a costly mistake.
I will either focus, or listen to voices in my head that belong to a doubting desk jockey who must be slain every time I do this type of race.
Seven days from now, the Houston Marathon will be run, and I will be one in the crowd, running alone against myself, and I'll be running together with the support of thousands, and best of all a few friends.
On paper I should be able to run about 3:40:00. Some of the speed work would indicate a faster potential, but the endurance workouts negate that. And again, we don't run the races on paper. I've never run anywhere near 26 miles maintaining an 8:24 per mile pace. So, what gets you off the paper and onto the roads? What gets your feet moving in the direction of the unknown?
Faith--But not leap in the dark faith. Faith built on workouts, past performances and pace charts, kind of like a kissing cousin of being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1)
So, I intend to line up with the 3:40 pace group, discipline my pace through the first 20 miles or so, and see who gets dropped.
Or the group.
We'll see. In seven days.
Good luck!
Good luck!!! I may be at 24 when you come by if I get back from the half finish in time.
3:40 is a very impressive goal.
Good luck!
I'll be ringing the virtual cowbell as loudly as possible!
Go Greyhound!
Best of luck! I am sure it is going to all come together for you.
I will be out there with you, I may not see you among the other 19,999 other runners, but if I see you I will give you a shout out.
Drop the Bomb AND that 3:40 group! Here's hoping for some good marathon weather. These days, who knows what may happen?!!
You CAN do it!
i am not wishing you luck, because you don't need it. you are ready, and you will be awesome :)
Good luck Greyhound! I think you will do great - you're ready. ANd you've got Coach Liz out there and if she sees you slacking she's gonna kick yer arse!
HAve fun. When you stat to think about slowing down when you're not hurt, just getting tired, try to place yourself at the finishline, wishing you'd just toughed out those "tired" minutes. Keep you head in the gaem. It's over in such a short time compared to the pacing you need to employ on an all-day Ironman.
Leave it all on the course. They have medics if you need an IV afterward.
Oh, and don't forget your Immodium.
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