Team Greyhound released a statement from its headquarters in Houston, Texas late today, announcing the addition of a new member to its triathlete development program.
Team Greyhound released a statement from its headquarters in Houston, Texas late today, announcing the addition of a new member to its triathlete development program.
Superpounce Warming Up With Her Triathlon Coach
The extreme sports superstar known as Superpounce has joined Team Greyhound to train for the First Annual Sugar Tri Kidz Triathlon to be held on October 20, 2007.
Extreme Sports Superstar "Superpounce"
Mysterious and highly secretive, the athlete development and coaching program at Team Greyhound is a residential program in which athletes live under one roof, pursuing training methods that are said to involve such old-school techniques as "fun" and "play."
Late Afternoon Tempo Session At Team Greyhound Headquarters
It had long been rumored that Superpounce, also known simply as 'Pounce, would join the compound and turn her considerable talents for play toward the sport of triathlon.
Superpounce Pushes The Tempo On The Bike
Superpounce Pushes The Tempo On The Bike
In a late afternoon press conference, TriGreyhound, head play-er and director of fun, stated, "We are extremely pleased to have an athlete of the caliber of Superpounce involved in our program. In my view, she is the type of superstar that causes everyone around her to play to a higher level. We expect new and higher levels of fun in our program now that she is involved. She truly does treat training like recess, and she is training like mad for this event."
When asked whether the Tri Kidz Triathlon would get sufficient attention, coming as it does a week after the Ironman World Championships, TriGreyhound responded, "I don't see the problem. I mean, who would want to watch Chris McCormack for 8 hours on a computer screen when you can ring cowbells for first time triathletes racing their hearts out on a Saturday morning? THIS is the climax of the triathlon season.

My New Training Partner
My New Training Partner
Awww... I love it! Go Superpounce!!
Her seats too low...hee hee..way to go!! HOW exciting is this going to be??
Uber cool! Welcome to the family, Pounce!
What a superduper IronDad you are! Go Superpounce!!
So, I'm assuming we can check here regularly for the updates?
Very cool. Good luck!
Go Superpounce! More fun! More recess!
I'll provide more (virtual) cowbell.
Way to go Superpounce!!! From the looks of that one photo, you may have gotten the fast genes from someone at the training stable.
More cowbell please!
Go Superpounce!
SO awesome...
Good news and great times!
Oh crap! I'm on call that weekend and can't come see her!! :(
You are such a cool IronDad!
this will be a good story for her to reflect on when she's on the cover of triathlon mag.
you've created a monster
this made my day.
looking forward to her race, and her race report!
That's fantastic!!
Yaaay! Go superpounce!
That is very cool.
Superpounce..you are my new heroine!
(P.S. Always let the old guy win!) :-)
Now that is the best thing ever!
Rockon` SuperPounce!!
hey, great lawns in your a.o.!
Awwwwwwwwwwww! Way to go suckering family members into triathlon! NOW, if there was just a way to get your wife on board...and maybe your grandma...and Uncle Bob... :D
way, way too cool! go superpounce!!
SP will totally smoke it...like she smoked her Pa on that last little kick on the run!
LOVE the show pic... so cute :)
now that's what i call "no child left behind" way to go superpounce. you're gonna rock that race!!!
i remember when my mom trained for her first marathon. this was back in 1980 when not everyone was running the way they do now and triathlon wasn't even invented yet. she was a single mom, and she did all her training runs at night so that she could still take me to all my weekend activities. she'd make me dinner, set me up with my homework, and then head out on a 3 mile loop that she would repeat after first coming and checking all my work. i remember my grandparents taking me to watch her on race day. she wasn't fast, in fact race walkers were coming in before her, but she was a marathoner at the end of the day....
i then trained my mom to run her second marathon some 20 years later in 2002. she was even slower than the first one (walked it in 11 hours), but i was still so proud of her and grateful for the example she set when i was younger.
you should change your blog name to "RAD IRONDAD"
race report for sure!!!!
If only we could track Superpounce on race day :-(
Oh my lord that's adorable! Team Greyhound has now doubled in size. :) When's the next one on board?
I am very late to finding this but great job. I can only hope my kids join me when they are a little older. I do think 1 of the 3 will.
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