You are ready. With loving hands I have pampered you, loved you, traced your smootheness, cleaning, caressing you with the oils that make you purr.
You are strong. So powerful, limbs taut with energey. I am drawn like moth to flame.
I want you to stay, but it is time, mi amor.
We shall meet again . . . in Wisconsin.
Mrs. Greyhound knows. She must know. She sees the way I look at you. The way I linger when we touch. Yes, we shall not be parted long.
In but a few days, in Madison, we shall again be joined to move as one, making our rhythm, and me breathing like a predator on the prowl. Breathing deeply and moving, always moving, with rivers of sweat poring down my arms and torso as I look at you beneath me . . . rolling up and down, . . . how long? How far can I go?
I cannot wait until we are reunited, when . . .
the guys take you off the Tri Bike Transport truck and fill your tires with air so I can ride my bike again.
OMG - I have to clean my bike!! When am I gonna clean my bike?!?! My race is in like, TWO DAYS!!!
Sorry. Great post - just, you know, reminded me to um. clean my bike.
You are going to do so AWESOME at IMOO. I don't think that's proper English, but I mean it. AWESOME.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. You and Carmen will rock IM Moo!
Your post kinda gives me a new perspective on uses for Bodyglide.
Race numbers are up. It's getting pretty real now ;)
OMG I just watched the video on your last post - you should have warned me I'd need several hankies not just one. Very best wishes for IMOO Greyhound and thanks for sharing your thoughts with us
I always feel a little dirty after I read your posts to Carmen...
Not much longer now! Yahoooooooo
psst...Greyhound...I just saw Carmen making it with Highway in the back of the TribikeTransport truck. It's a lonnnng trip to Madison...hey, if she makes a little carbon bundle of joy, can I have it?
Is that BodyGlide or Astroglide in your transition bag?
Ah, Greyhound, I've been reading you for a long time now. Can you believe you're really gonna do it?
It's SO AMAZING! Are you super excited yet? 'cos I am!!!
Carmen's ready. I'm ready. I'm gettin' out the popcorn.
Ah, a man in love...
Well shoot, Greyhound! Bigun says we're gonna be grandparents!
Actually, Carmen is totally Highways type. She's a hot looking slut.
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