I just spent (more or less) $100 on cowbells.
http://www.cowbell.com/ was advertised in the back of Inside Triathlon, and I could not resist. When I swim, bike or run by my peeps on the big day, I want to hear them making noise like I'm the second coming of Dave Scott, even if I look and move like I'm something Dave Scott's dog left in the back garden.
So, I purchased four cowbells in an assortment of sizes. (Yes, there are different sizes, because size does matter. I did not buy the magnum size huge bells because . . . uhm, . . . never mind.) I bought one for Mrs. Greyhound, one for Superpounce, and two for them to give to members of Trimama's tribe if needs be.
If they have their own bells, you can borrow the extras, so long as an appropriate amount of cacophony ensues whenever I pass by. In fact, if you've got a $20 to spare, and if you'll be spectating at IMMoo, get a bell and support the triblogger alliance.
Now all you need is a tri-jersey that reads, "I gotta have more cowbell" :-)
Brilliant!!! I'm changing the title of the post!
I think I'll get a cowbell in preparation for hanging around the finish line.
Hound dog, I have my IMAZ cowbell at the ready!!!! MORE COWBELL!!
(Be prepared, you won't be able to hear yourself think!)
You crack me up
Cow bells cost $20 each? WTF? That's craaaaaazy.
we've had our cowbell.com cowbells now for a season - they are great - got 2 different sizes for Di and whomever she makes friends with at whatever tri - she's never met a stranger. High quality, very loud, the envy of all those "poser" cheapy bells out threre.
Cowbell.... check
I must have killed WAY too many brain cells in swim this morning. I re-read this post like 3 times trying to figure out why you would wear a cowbell during your race. Then the lightbulb went on. Duh.
Since I'm relegated to spectating at IMMoo this season, like any self-respecting spectator I recently went on a personal quest to find myself a cowbell.
I hate to break it to you, but I got mine (I went with the mid-size 'fits easily in my bag' model) for $3.49 at Farm 'n Fleet. They have a variety of sizes. Even the 'magnum' size was only $12.
I'm just sayin... folks might wanna try the local farm supply store before they go to the trouble of ordering online, plus they'll probably save a couple bucks.
but THEY won't be made, with love, in Norway...like the cowbells.com are. Those are cheap american kind, made just before lunch hour on a friday - and you know about those products...I'm just sayin, be careful where you shake that thing....
me too - I sent my Ma, she got two monsters from the feed store. I think they cost her $7 apiece or something.
I ask you: where could there be a more authentic place to get a cowbell than the feed store?
agreed on the cowbell!
More cowbell please.
I'll be there in full force. Just you wait.
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