I drove into the city after the masters workout, parked like I always do, grabbed my gym bag and brief case like I always do, and headed for the elevator like I always do. I was on my way to the gym across the street from my office to shower and change into my Clark Kent disguise.
It's not as if I was wearing a Speedo and running around without a shirt and flexing my abs. I had on a pair of "Jammers," an MS150 T-shirt, and some flip flops.
So, the elevator door opens and three women are inside--two older than my mom, but one about 10 years younger than me.
In my peripheral vision, I saw her look at my face . . . . then I saw her eyes drop . . .
and stop.
Suddenly, Greyhound . . . especially . . . uhm . . . "greyhound" . . . felt a bit conspicuous, notwithstanding the Nike swimsuit.
She may very well have just thought I looked ridiculous given my lack of business attire, . . . but I'm pretty sure I was oggled. She was checking me out.
I am not used to this.
Perhaps the phrase:
"Hey, my eyes are *up here*"
cuts both ways!
Anyhow, I'm sure you'll keep the wedding ring prominent and let them down easy; after all, with great power comes great responsibility (I read that somewhere).
I think for women this is easy, THEY have been getting oggled since puberty. But for guys it's different. It's not everyday a guy catches some woman checking out the good :-)
Funny. I'm starting to get used to the ladies in waterobics check me out if I'm swimming at that time. Still, it can be creepy. Most of them are older than my mom!
You should've said, "You think I look good now? You should see me in my Tri Suit baby!"
Well, I think congratulations are in order, then! :)
Greyhound = Eye Candy!!
you dog. and here they say "old spice" doesn't work on chicks any more....little do they know.
And I am probably older than joe's mom...but that doesn't mean we don't like six packs on a guy! (we are NOT dead...just more (ahem) mature!)
And YES you COULD do Alcatraz...if someone pulls or pushes you off the ferry there really isn't anywhere to go except head for the shore. I think hubby pulled me in this year....good thing we like to hold hands in public!
Now honestly, have you been blow drying your body hair? Don't you wish you had a recording device for when you got off the elevator.
So - did you enjoy it??!!
ps - I find Joe Vs comment hysterical given the large number of May-December marriages in our culture where the husband is old enough to be his wife's grandad. bwhahahahaha.....
Old Spice or Axe... huh g-dog!
U da Man!!
well, you could have done the super cool thing and said to her "that's right, check me out baby."
I mean, ACKNOWLEDGE your hotness!
There is no way to put this without seeming racist, but I have noticed over 4 years of living in NYC that when I am 10+ above my ideal weight, I attract a lot more catcalls from the Latinos on the Lower East Side vs. when I am at my fightin' weight where "aye, Mami" goes away and I just get awkardly stared at by WASPs on the subway.
Perhaps you have just experienced a similar phenomina? You'll have to let me know if the latinas still check ya :)
Of course she was checking you out. What red-blooded American woman wouldn't?!
.... and don't you LOVE IT! ;)
was it the way i looked at you at wildflower?
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