So I did what any self-respecting age-grouper with more finance than talent does: I bought new triathlon toys.
I got this sweet new 2XU wetsuit and some uber-geeky Aquasphere goggles. The neoprene is at least twice as thick as my crappy old wetsuit, and what's more it actually fits without all the wrinkles and extra rubber. The bouyancy and hydrodynamics must be incredible. This is going to help.
Of course I wouldn't know for sure. I won't get a chance to try it out until I get to Lubbock. I know, I know. Don't try anything knew on race day. But honestly. Could my swim suck any worse?
No matter what happens, I'll at least look like a superhero.
Well, . . . except for the goggles. Not so superheroish,
They look totally dorky, but I can see everything. It's really incredible, and Taconite Boy reports that they are key to feeling more comfortable in the open water.
I tried them out at the pool today with Curly Su, and she was at least not so embarassed by my appearance to pretend that she didn't know me.
That is the big news of the weekend. Team Greyhound was graced with Curly Su's presence in a visit that was all too short. We were rained out of our epic brick, but I don't think she was disappointed to get off the hook. As for me, any rainy afternoon you can sit around with Curly Su is a good way to spend one's time. In fact, it's hard to beat. Mrs. Greyhound and I got to take her to dinner and twice eat outside as the heat moderated a bit. We did a little biking, we did a little running, we did a little swimming, and I did a little older-brothering, hopefully not to the point of annoying her.
Today, we shared a lane while the Masters group was ripping it up in the rest of the pool. 3000 yards of mixed pulling and swimming later, a good time was had by all. She left after dinner, and we miss her already.
I know, I know, Bolder. No pictures means it didn't happen. But the thought of suggesting bringing a camera to the pool to take a picture of a smokin' hot triathlete chick who is not your spouse?????? In groups is one thing, but alone . . . . . ?
Uhm. . . . no. Not gonna happen. After all, I want her to come back.
The goggles look cool actually.
Leave the superhero look to professionals.
You will love em though!
ah, the goggles don't look cool. but you do!
I am SO glad you got a new wetsuit. That other one looked like elephant skin - from a very large elephant. You will be so much happier in your sleek new sporty wetsuit. And I rather like the googles and visibility is key!
Ooooh. Maybe you can distract the competition with your hawtness in the fancy new suit ...
Awwwww NOT fair...that is one SWEET suit!!!
Robyn has the same goggles and LOVES them. Of course, uber-swimmer Rachel completely makes fun of her, but the ribbing is worth it in open water. Enjoy!
Nice wetsuit! You look faster already. I'll reserve comment on the goggles til I see you in real life. ;)
I wouldn't call those "goggles" so much as a "swim mask." Where's your scuba tank? Ha ha. :-)
I shouldn't make fun, you already swim faster than me. More power to ya!!!
it's true, everything's bigger in Texas! Those are neat - you can see from my little pic that mine are the old, uber-dorky variety. Had to dig them out of storage from my first tri's for Escape - they work great - I just get such a headache since they need more suction on your face to keep the seal. The price of style...
curly's older brother is Goggle-Boy?
i, for one, had NO idea.
AWESOME goggles. and i think i'm going to invent in a similar suit soon as well...
and thanks for the kind words, and of course, the awesome visit...
I wear a big "mask" like that in the pool! Much more comfortable that goggles and better visability.
Aquasphere seal mask for open water swims - Beats goggles Hands Down.
Maybe a new colour swim cap for the superhero outfit....
on the contrary. The goggles are very superheroish!
Those goggles are like the superhero's mask!!! :-)
Forget the goggles...it's the headwear that really make the impression here! (pink too!) Paris would approve....
Cool wetsuit!
But how do we know it's you? Where's your head?
(I bug Bolder about this all the time!) :-)
Mmmmmmm, you look so hawt in that tri gear, i can barely keep my hands off you... it's MUCH better than pictures of katrina-rescue puppies...
oh sorry, wrong blog.
Yep, dorky goggles. Nothing wrong with that though.
excellent and most awesome wetsuit.
when I splashed around choking and trying not to drown in buffalo springs lake in May, i couldn't see anything (not even my own arms) so not sure if the superhero goggles will help, but then again, i didn't exactly SWIM open water (kinda just splashed and survived it), so don't listen to me.
I expect a PR from you, dawg. Git after it!
Stay tuned...
With any luck your fellow racers will swim off course to avoid having you in their photo as they come out of the swim. Are you going to shave your arm hair for a little extra aqua-dynamic edge?
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