Des did not disappoint. She made a BIG deal of Superpounce and made her feel truly special. Thanks, Desiree. You are a real champion.
So here is how the night went.
Superpounce sitting in Dad's office before going to Tri On The Run and the Houston Racing & Triathlon Club meeting.
Superpounce getting an autograph at Tri On The Run.
Superpounce shadowing Des as she signed more books at the Houston Racing meeting.
Des telling us all the details of her experience at Kona last year.
And finally, Des, our triathlete, with dad and daughter.
Thanks again, Desiree. You know we'll be cheering when you drop the bomb this year.
Dude, I bet you slept in that jacket last night.
Stay tuned...
A thorn amongst 2 nice..:-) You could have smiled at least..LOL.
I think I need Superpounce's autograph now!
My but don't you look natty in that bow tie??!!
Superpounce is a lucky kid.
Seriously, why you so cranky? Is it because someone made you wear that pink and blue bowtie? :)
Maybe I'm worried about the photographer getting the camera to work, but that's about as smilely as I get. I just look glum because I'm standing next to Desiree's pearly white smile.
two words...bow tie
Someone needs to wipe the shit-eating grin off your face.
It is Desiree Ficker after all.
I've been thinking about getting a couple of Bow Ties for work - your picture clinches it - ain't gonna happen. Gosh that Desiree is tall...
Dude, you get to meet Desiree Ficker, AND get a picture, and you and it doesn't warrant a smile? Dude, have you no idea hot she is? Hello, D Ficker. Triathlon Diva! Hottie!
a pink and blue bow tie? very lawyerly indeed.
Oh. wow. So many reasons to smile, two hotties AND that tie. And you are wearing the lawyer face!
Srsly - your daughter could not be cuter.
i LOVE the bow tie. don't let anyone tell you otherwise...
Did Desiree say something mean about the bowtie? I'm all ABOUT the tie. Not everyone can pull it off. And it's got pink in it. What's not to like?
um... benny:
sweetie... you, uh, know that i read greyhound's blog, right? the only hottie YOU know is me. and maybe angelina jolie.
and, i'm with laurie, stop trying to hog the spotlight with your smile. it's very rude to the triathlon diva.
truly, i'm just surprised you included her head in the picture. i seem to remember my head being completely CUT OUT of our picture together. (was it my chesticles?)
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