But the thing about recovery weeks is that being still sometimes causes me to think too much. Some of that thinking has my stomach tightening into a tight little knot. See, if my tri-season were a Broadway musical, this would be about the time that everyone breaks into song, and someone like Tony from West Side Story croons:
Could be!
Who knows?
There's something due any day;
I will know right away,
Soon as it shows.
Something's coming,
I don't know what it is,
But it is
Gonna be great!
(So, um, yeah. I kind of know some show tunes. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Don't make me post about the road trip where I learned all the lyrics to the patter songs from The Music Man. Don't make me.)
The air and waters have turned warm here in South Texas. Sweat is once again dropping to the asphalt as we bike. We live in 45 spf suncreen. Dreadmills are a thing of the past. And all the shavey-legged, spandex crowd with abnormally low body fat are all a-quiver. All this training isn't just for grins. RACES are just around the corner.
I know a lot of you think Wildflower is "just around the corner," and it is. I can't wait to see all those triblogger friends in one place. I'm truly California Dreamin' about that race. But, my first corner is just a lot closer than that.
This Sunday, April 1, I have the first race of my season. This time out, however, the first race is the Lone Star Triathlon Festival at the half-iron distance.
So this explains the little knot in my stomach. It's one thing to put a local event on your calendar with the intention of simply treating it as a long training day. It's another to get back on a race course with real athletes, and buckle down for 1.2 miles in the open water, 56 miles on the bike, and 13.1 miles on your feet. Still, it can't be the hardest thing I've ever done.
The swim is in a sheltered, salt water bayou, not in the open Gulf.
The bike course is pancake flat alone the coast. I have ridden it before and have a good feel for how to meter my effort.
The run course is . . . a run course.
With the exception of potentially brutal winds on the bike, the course should be less of a challenge than Buffalo Springs Lake last summer. Still, . . . .
There's always that doubt . . .
and that faith . . . .
Could be. Who knows?
Do you sing show tunes while you race? Now that would be interesting ;)
Have a great race! You might just surprise yourself.
Racing makes me nervous too. I try to think of it as training with a t-shirt and food at the end, but still. The pressure.
I am sure you'll do well. You'll even kick booty!
2 1/2 IMs in a month? You stud!
Take it easy on this first one - it's the secret sauce in the recipe of a season of PRs.
Good luck! Two 1/2's in a month so early in the seaon. Ambition and determination. Yeah!
You're first race out this season is a HIM? Gulp is right. Balz. Y. Mine is a sprint with only 300 meters in an indoor pool. Now I feel like a wimp...
Rock it, Greyhound! Have blast!
Enjoy your recovery week. Can't wait to see the results! :)
OK, I got so much CRAP from Bold for quoting broadway showtunes last year... beware!
"He's a music man. (he's a what, he's a what?) He's a music man and he sells clarinets to the kids in the town with the big trombones..."
sure wish i could reclaim that brain RAM...
Have a great race!!! I'm racing all of the "northern" races in that series - they put on a good show! Looking forward to reading the report!
Colour me impressed. A HIM to kick off the season!!! Have a great time this weekend. And good luck eh.
you sing show tunes... i sing "it's raining men". may be that the excess testosterone isn't just in MY hormones??? who knew?
good luck on your race this weekend! how exciting! remember how six months ago you couldn't turn your head to see my fly by on the bike? that was only 6 MONTHS AGO! and look at you now? S-T-U-D.
What a monster coarse, I don't care what you think Mr. Texas. And for that, what is this stuff about quoting WestSide Story. Need I quote Full Metal Jacket, "Only two things come from Texas steers and..." lol. I'm still working my way up to my first Olympic this Sept. So who am I to talk...wait...I'd talk crap to Jordan on the courts. How do you deal with the humidity?
Oh my. A HIM in April? My stomach just did a flip turn for you!
Good luck out there on Sunday! I'm sure you'll be a pillar of rock-solid calm when it comes down to the wire...
I'm doing the Lonestar HIM as well, my first at that distance. Have a great race, and if you're hanging around the finish line in the 7.5-8 hour range you might see me... ;)
I've seen you swim and bike with my very own eyes. You are SO ready for an HIM. No worries, mate. Give 'em 'ell!
Stay tuned...
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