She asks me, "are you a triathlete?" and thinking she might have observed my lack of speed or lack of flip turns, I sheepishly answer, "yes" and kind of hang my head a little.
Then I realize that she had not seen me swim, but was looking at my newly found, 91% fat free, body-by-Miki physique.
"I thought so," she says. "You look like you're really in good shape."
Grandmas rock.
What's a flip turn?
Does grabbing the wall to massage a foot cramp after 2500 yards count?
I think a master's class would scare me.
Haha. I agree with Iron Pol, "flip turn"? More like the massage for the cramp!
Greyhound, Great to see someone from H-town on the blogs.
I really gotta get to a masters class, where do you go?
i told you to stop wearing your tri-suit to masters, of course granny knew...
triathletes are like ninjas, you place yourself stealthily and unassumingly in a lane next to the local swim champ, and then at 3,000 yards when the 50m specialist next to you is failing, you shout out 'NINJA TRAITHLETE' and you break out another 1,000 until Mr/Miss 50m says 'mommy'... then you up the pace, and break out 1,000 more.
(As an aside, masters swimmers are intense! At EVERY meet, I get it HANDED to me by the 65 y/o backstrokers, 70+ y/o 200 IM swimmers, and the like. They rock!)
Yah - dat Miki he is goot! Vat chu need iss moah kettle bell, yah! Make you swim like zoom!
The nice thing about backstrokers is they can't see you coming when you swim underneath to drown them. I see no other option when I get passed by someone doing the backstroke.
I don't know what it is. You can always pick out the triathletes in a masters program. Even the ones that are good swimmers!
Maybe grandma was hitting on you?
Next time stand tall and proud when answering that question.
Gotta love the triathlete body!
Hi - I just found your blog from the RaceAthlete site, and your writing is great! Keep up the good training and writing.
What a great compliment!
Ya, people say that to me all the time. Except, replace triathlete with truck driver or offensive lineman.
DUDE. thats awesome.
thats what i aspire to.. one day. very, very long from now!!
live it. be it. own it.
you 'da man! you 'da.. triathlete!!!
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