"Spung fully formed from the head of her father Zeus." Basically split him open because of the noise and pain caused by forging battle armor, helmet, breastplate and shield. Dad swallowed mom shortly after a round of supernatural copulation. Hmmm.. . . . Loud . . . brash . . . sometimes gives you a splitting headache. OK, now that's starting to sound like Nytro. Plus, if she tries to swim, bike and run with all that armor and whole Aegis and flowing robes thing, she's dead meat. I can do this.
"Her constant companion is Nike, the goddess of victory." OK that's not good. I'm definitely going have to find this Nike broad and take her out. I'm going to have to carry my old OLY pace over the length of a half-iron to have any chance of winning this bet. I don't need some skinny little type A tri-chica coming in and making this any harder. One girl with a weapon is quite enough.
I drank water and juice last night instead of having a beer or a glass of wine. I did not want to, but I'm being chased by an Athena.
I rolled out this morning at 0345 to have breakfast before my swim workout. I did not want to, but I'm being chased by an Athena.
I did my first hard swim workout since my "A" race last June. My lats, tris and delts were burning but I kept on. I did not want to, but I'm being chased by an Athena.
I ate oatmeal for breakfast instead of bacon egg and cheese breakfast tacos. I didn't want to, but I'm being chased by an Athena.
I will eat the healthy food I brought from home today instead of going for red beans and rice with a sausage link and cheese and. . . . . I don't want to, but I'm being chased by a potentially very angry Athena.
I'm running an hour this afternoon. I'm running like I'm being chased . . . by an Athena.
This can only end badly.
Go greyhound...make us proud!
Und vat dos Miki haf to say of 'dis, ya?
Miki will vey in bare soon. "You race . . . gurl? Iss e-z, no?"
Perhaps chased by a Fury-ous Athena!
BTW, you might consult with Miki on meal timing. Perhaps better to get more sleep/better sleep/more convenient sleep hours by having breakfast post-workout.
Dude. Is it my imagination or does Athena have a beard?
If the skirt's off the table, can we just talk knee socks and patent-leather maryjanes?
Nytro, for the record, I did not suggest you had a beard. That was Veeg. I don't think Athena has one. She may be a little manly, but . . . .
And Brett, I eat a light breakfast before the morning workout, and (like the Hobbit I am) a "second breakfast" afterwards in that glycogen refueling state. That is followed by elvensies, luncheon and then dinner, all about three hours apart.
i was going to clarify that i don't have a beard. a little smattering of dark freckles on my upper lip when i was on birth control and was out in the sun too much? yes. i'll admit to that. but no beard.
A word of advice, having seen the fury that is Nytro when she is not happy, Nike does not follower Nytro...medusa does.
Those of us lucky enough to have found yours and Nytro's blog are sure to be richly entertained (if not inspired) between now and SOMA. I wish I werent' so far away.
Grey, you need to get off the "chased by an Athena" kick. I'd be far more concerned about the "I'll have to sing karaoke in a skirt" issue. Because you know Nytro will never let it be a sensible business like skirt.
No, it will be some flamboyant, brightly colored affair. Something that will attract everyone's attention. And she'll pick the longest damn song in the library. Stairway to Heaven or something.
Swim. Bike. Run. Repeat. Visualize yourself in a skirt. Go faster.
yea... that's what i'm going to be doing. swim. bike. run. repeat. visualize greyhound in a skirt. go faster. or, swim. bike. run. repeat. visualize benny in a skirt. slow down. really, it's a win-win for me.
Hey Grey, did you post ALL of the definition, here? Cause I missed the part where it said, "Deviously conniving individual prone to seeking out no-lose (for her) situations, regardless of who might be humiliated in the process."
Run fast Achilles, she's right on your heels.
Hrm...maybe I'll run in a skirt.
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