BD! There, I said it. I've got Blogger Dysfunction. I'm not going to suffer in silence any longer. I know it's nothing to be ashamed of, but I'm tired of always pretending it's all right. I spent some time improving the side bars, adding some of the links to other blogs that I read and admire, but I still have a huge case of blog envy.
OK, not a huge case. Just average. . . . well maybe a little better than average . . . well, I've had no complaints, really . . . But I would like to enhance my performance and improve the overall satisfaction. I want to put up the race schedule, the training log, the wickedly cool looking quotes like you guys do, but I . . . I just need some help.
Technically adroit readers, can you spare me some HTML short cuts? Send me some cut and paste code?
Ok, Greyhound. Have you figured out where to change your sidebar on blogger? If you have then all you have to do is go to your favorite blogs, click on View, Source, and then find a key word that is from the part of their sidebar you want, and cut and paste it into your blogger template. Then just edit the text. That easy!
If that isn't crystal clear, just shoot me an email and I'll be happy to help you figure out where the problems are.
OMG. Thanks!! Leave it to the sharp grad student to light the way for the old dude. Although I use computers all the time, its things like this that make me feel like my parents--with the VCR blinking 12:00 and unable to use the stereo until the kids come home.
was going to say the same thing about the source code stuff...that's how i did EVERYTHING (and then just left a 'cute' little comment like...'i stole your code...hope that's okay!') :)
no one minds, you know? then, you can edit the colors and stuff via experimentation...get ready for your time to be SUCKED into blogging.
for color changes, just google html colors, and you'll get a chart with all the color codes...
have fun!
How funny. As luck or coincidence would have it, Curly, I SO STOLE YOUR CODE to make my little charts.
And if that doesn't solve your hidden shame, I'm sure there's a SPAM out there to address solutions. Oh, wait. That's another problem.
BTW, I should get some good pics from the GB marathon to show why I feel we are blog twins. I just have to wait for ASIO to post them.
Lol... that's OK, Curly Su stole mine, and I stole them from an awesome Aussie site!
We all learn from each other :)
um... I'm about to ruin the stereotype of "sharp grad students" because I almost left you a comment asking if you'd gotten the html you were looking for. Then I read the comments above, and well...
Greyhound, I stole your code! I just couldn't help myself! I'm hoping you'll understand. :D
I'm jealous because you have a blog header. I haven't figured out how to do that. I have good ideas but can't put it together.
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